Header image for the 2nd International Symposium on Very Low Earth Orbit Missions and Technologies

2nd International Symposium on Very Low Earth Orbit Missions and Technologies

13 and 14 January 2025

Stuttgart, Germany

The 2nd International Symposium on Very Low Earth Orbit Missions and Technologies 2025 in Stuttgart has concluded.

Our gratitude goes to all presenters, participants and to the organising team for making this a memorable symposium!

Update (16 January 2025): Participants will receive access to all papers and selected presentations, posters, as well as photos of the event in the coming days. Further information will follow via e-mail.


The 2nd International Symposium on Very Low Earth Orbit Missions and Technologies shall be held on the premises of the University of Stuttgart in Germany on the 13th and 14th of January 2025.

As a follow-up to the first VLEO symposium hosted by the EU H2020 DISCOVERER team in June 2021, this symposium shall bring together representatives from academia, industry and agencies interested in and/or working towards making sustainable VLEO operations a reality. The primary sponsor for the 2nd Symposium is the new Collaborative Research Center 1667 ATLAS that is dedicated to this vision.

Download symposium booklet (pdf format)

Download full programme (pdf format)

Download book of abstracts (pdf format)

As of 13 December 2024, 23:59 CET, registration for the 2nd International Symposium on Very Low Earth Orbit Missions and Technologies has closed due to the capacity limit of the venue being reached. Registrants already on the waiting list will be contacted as placements become available.

Further Information

15 July 2024 Call for abstracts; abstract submission opens
Early September 2024 Early bird registration opens

30 September 2024
28 October 2024

Abstract submission deadline

Mid-October 2024
18 November 2024

Notice of selection
11 November 2024
06 December 2024
Early bird registration ends

05 January 2025
13 December 2024

Deadline for speaker and waiting list registration (Note: Public registration has already closed on 06 December 2024 due to high demand)
29 November 2024
05 January 2025
10 January 2025
Paper submission deadline
10 January 2025 Presentation submission deadline
13 to 14 January 2025 Symposium in Stuttgart

Registration for this event is now open!

UPDATE (13 December 2024, 23:59 CET): Registration for the 2nd International Symposium on Very Low Earth Orbit Missions and Technologies has closed due to the capacity limit of the venue being reached. An updated technical programme and the book of abstracts will be uploaded shortly. Registrants already on the waiting list will be contacted as placements become available.

Rate Registration fee (excl. VAT)
Registration fee (incl. VAT 19%)
Early bird
(until 11 November 06 December 2024)
240 € 285.60 €
Early bird for students and doctoral researchers 160 € 190.40 €
Late registration
(after 11 November 06 December 2024)
300 € 357.00 €
Late registration for students and doctoral researchers 210 € 249.90 €

The registration fee includes:

  • Admission to all technical sessions, poster sessions, and panel discussions
  • Coffee breaks during each day of the symposium
  • Lunch on both days of the symposium
  • Admission to the conference dinner on Monday, 13 January 2025
  • Admission to tours and activities offered on the premises
  • Conference package including badge and access to presented papers

Please be aware that payment of the registration fee is possible via bank transfer only. An invoice will be sent upon registration using the online form (however no sooner than mid-October). Students and doctoral researchers must present proof of their student status during registration to become eligible for the student discount rates.

Please note that registration to the symposium is strictly limited by the size of the venue.

  • Begin of the symposium proper: 13 January 2025 at 09:00 CET
  • Conference Dinner: 13 January 2025 at 19:00 CET at Leonhardt's Event Location (Fernsehturm Stuttgart)
  • End of the symposium: 14 January at approximately 18:00 CET.
  • Check-in possible from 08:00 CET on both days.

The symposium booklet (contains the full up-to-date technical program, directions and contact info) is now available for download.

Download the symposium booklet (pdf, version 2025-01-11)

Technical Programme

The full technical programme is now available for download.

Download the full technical programme (pdf, version 2025-01-11).

Book of Abstracts

The book of abstracts is now available for download.

Download the book of abstracts (pdf, version 2025-01-11)

Session Topics

There will be one poster session and nine technical sessions for presentations, respectively covering the following topics:

  1. Science Mission Designs and Concepts
  2. System Design
  3. VLEO Application Scenarios
  4. Very Low Earth Orbit Control
  5. Atmosphere-Breathing Electric Propulsion
  6. ABEP Plasma Physics
  7. Gas-Surface Interactions and Materials
  8. Particle Simulation Methods
  9. Aerodynamic Control

The call for abstracts has closed.

Authors have been informed regarding the acceptance of their abstracts on 18 November 2024.

Download the book of abstracts here (pdf, version 2025-01-11)


Each presenter will be given twelve (12) minutes to present their research at the symposium, with an additional three (3) minutes reserved for questions to a total of fifteen (15) minutes per presentation. Please make an effort to conclude your presentation within the alloted timeframe. It is recommended to restrict your presentation slides to a number of ten.

The venue of the presentation features two large synchronised presentation screens with an aspect ratio of 16:9. A presentation laptop will be available with all presentations to be collected and stored beforehand.

Authors are kindly requested to submit their presentation slides either as a PDF or an MS-Power-Point-compatible file format (preferably .ppsx) to the organising committee via e-mail by 10 January 2025.

Please note that a paper is expected to be provided for each presentation, and that a strict no paper, no podium policy is in place.


Posters will be presented in a dedicated poster session coinciding with an extended coffee break. Prior to this session and coffee break, each poster will be briefly advertised to the audience through one slide each in a summary presentation.

Poster presenters are requested to bring your own printed posters to the symposium. It is highly recommended to print your posters in either A0 (ISO 216 / DIN 476) format or ANSI E (ANSI/ASME Y14.1) format. Magnetic poster display walls as well as magnets will be provided for each accepted poster.

Poster presenters are further asked to provide a single presentation slide featuring a brief summary and teaser to their poster to be included in the summary presentation preceding the poster session. Please submit this slide as a power point slide (.pptx format) or PDF to the organising committee via e-mail by 10 January 2025.

Paper contributions accompanying posters are very welcome, albeit not mandatory.


Authors of abstracts selected for an oral presentation at the symposium are requested to prepare a paper. Please adhere to the instructions provided in the Word and LaTeX symposium paper templates, which can be downloaded in the following:

Please note that the symposium follows a strict no paper, no podium policy with regards to oral presentation contributions. For poster contributions, papers are welcome, but not mandatory. We ask that papers be submitted in PDF format to the organising committee via e-mail by 05 January 2025.

All papers submitted to and published in the proceedings of the symposium will be assigned a digital object identifier (doi).

Special Issue Publication

A special issue of the CEAS Space Journal is planned following the symposium, to which authors of selected high-quality paper contributions will be asked to submit their papers for peer review and publication.

  • Stefanos Fasoulas, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • Peter C. E. Roberts, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Editorial Committee
  • Stefanos Fasoulas, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • Tim Flohrer, ESOC Space Debris Office, Germany
  • Georg Herdrich, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • Vaios Lappas, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
  • René Laufer, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • Anke Pagels-Kerp, German Aerospace Center DLR, Germany
  • Peter C. E. Roberts, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
  • Christian Siemes, TU Delft, The Netherlands
  • Claudia Stolle, Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Germany
Organising Committee
  • Adam S. Pagan, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • Markus Graß, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • Constantin Traub, University of Stuttgart, Germany

As Germany's sixth largest city and capital of the state of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart is renowned as a global centre of automotive industry. Nestled between vineyards and forests, Stuttgart offers a unique blend of urban sophistication and natural beauty. In addition, the city boasts a rich cultural scene with numerous museums, theaters, and parks. Situated in the heart of the continent, Stuttgart is well-accessible through its excellent connection to the air, rail and road networks of Europe.

The symposium will be held at the premises of the Space Center Baden-Württemberg (in German: Raumfahrtzentrum Baden-Württemberg or RZBW). The RZBW houses the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) of the University of Stuttgart as well as the main offices of the Collaborative Research Center 1667 ATLAS - Advancing Technologies for Low-Altitude Satellites.


Raumfahrtzentrum Baden-Württemberg
Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 29
70569 Stuttgart

How to get there


Join us for the conference dinner at Leonhardt's Event Location at the base of Fernsehturm Stuttgart (Stuttgart TV Tower) at 19:00 CET on Monday, 13 January 2025. The dinner is included in the registration fee for the symposium.

The Fernsehturm, situated in the woods on the Hohe Bopser hill within Stuttgart, was the first concrete telecommunications tower of its kind worldwide, serving as a prototype for many to follow. Inaugurated in 1956, it has since become a tourist attraction as well as the city's central landmark.

In addition, we invite all attendees of the symposium to participate in a series of tours and activities, such as

  • Tours of the Plasma Wind Tunnel and Electric Propulsion Laboratory at the Institute of Space Systems (IRS)
  • Tours of the Satellite Control Room at IRS
  • And more!

The following, non-exclusive list provides examples of hotels in downtown Stuttgart and Vaihingen close to a train and/or bus station through which the University Campus Vaihingen can be reached via a direct connection.


Direct connection via S-Bahn (also to Stuttgart Main Station and Stuttgart Airport) and/or bus available.

Downtown Stuttgart:

Direct connection via S-Bahn (also to Stuttgart Main Station and Stuttgart Airport) available.

For any further inquiries, please contact the symposium organising committee at info(at)atlas.uni-stuttgart.de.

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Information on the controller and the data protection officer can be found in the university's privacy policy.

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The data transmitted via this form will be transferred to a local database and stored for 10 years.

7 Consequences of non-disclosure, possibility of objection or removal

Information about and/or deletion of the submitted data can be requested at any time from the office of the Collaborative Research Center 1667 "ATLAS" at the University of Stuttgart.

8. Your rights

Information regarding your rights can be found in the university's privacy policy.


Contact us


The CRC 1667 ATLAS Management Office

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